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Mam na imię Joasia i mam prolaktynomę (niezłośliwy guz przysadki),
której poświęcony jest ten blog. Zaczęłam go pisać po kilku miesiącach
bezrefleksyjnego leczenia, kiedy było mi wszystko jedno, lecz na
szczęście po jakimś czasie przestało i dzięki temu teraz możecie
poczytać o moich doświadczeniach. Przez długi czas zastanawiałam się, co
spowodowało u mnie tę chorobę i doszłam do niepokojących wniosków.
Ponieważ guz prolaktynowy nie jest przenoszony genetycznie, nie jest też
chorobą zakaźną, naukowcy rozkładają ręce i nadal nie wiadomo, skąd to
się bierze. Jednak gdy zastanowiłam się nad tym, jaki tryb życia
prowadziłam, zanim zmiana została zdiagnozowana, okazało się, że winny
był (i jest) przede wszystkim stres.
tej chwili mam 23 lata i prawdę mówiąc nie miałam ochoty zdradzać tego
szczegółu, gdyby nie fakt, że większość pacjentów z prolaktynomą to
kobiety w wieku 20- 50 lat (czyli w tak zwanym wieku produkcyjnym), więc
niestety musiałam, bo jak widać jestem modelowym przykładem. W moim
życiu do tej pory nie działo się nic specjalnego, poza zakończeniem
edukacji, wyprowadzką z domu i rozpoczęciem "pracy" (kiedyś Wam
wyjaśnię, ale nie teraz, naprawdę nie teraz) oraz oczywiście pisaniem
tego bloga. Zamieszkuję w pobliżu Łazienek w Warszawie. Poza Warszawą
mieszkałam tylko przez rok, kiedy byłam na Erasmusie (do tego tematu też
Jeśli macie jakieś pytania, proszę kierować je bezpośrednio do mnie na adres:
Here you can learn something about me./ For more, read 20 things about me.
My name is Joasia and I have prolactinoma (benign pituitary tumor) and my blog is all about that. I started writing it after few months of some thoughtless treatment in which my health didn't really concern me, but luckily for me this had ended and now you can read my posts. So for a long time I was wondering, what caused my sickness and I found the results to be rather distressing. Prolactinoma cannot be passed from one person to another, not even from parent to a child and as it is not contagious disesase and not a genetic one, the scientists are helpless. But still, when I traced back my own lifestyle in the past two years before I was diagnosed, I realised that chronic stress is the blame.
I'm 23 years old and to be frank, I didn't really want to share it with you, but I unfortunately had to, mainly because most of patients with prolactinoma are women aged from 20 to 50, which makes me a showcase example. Recently, my life wasn't very exiting, except I finished school, moved out and started my "job" (I'll explain you that later, not now, please, not now) and of course I began to blog here. I spent 22 out of my 23 years in Warsaw. So I am "Warsaw based blogger" (it just makes me laugh). But seriously, I survived only one year out of my city, which was in 2013 when I had my exchange year (again, it's a long story).
If you have any questions to me, e-mail me: (not prolactinoma, I'm Warsaw-based, remember?).
xoxo,Jeśli macie jakieś pytania, proszę kierować je bezpośrednio do mnie na adres:
Here you can learn something about me./ For more, read 20 things about me.
My name is Joasia and I have prolactinoma (benign pituitary tumor) and my blog is all about that. I started writing it after few months of some thoughtless treatment in which my health didn't really concern me, but luckily for me this had ended and now you can read my posts. So for a long time I was wondering, what caused my sickness and I found the results to be rather distressing. Prolactinoma cannot be passed from one person to another, not even from parent to a child and as it is not contagious disesase and not a genetic one, the scientists are helpless. But still, when I traced back my own lifestyle in the past two years before I was diagnosed, I realised that chronic stress is the blame.
I'm 23 years old and to be frank, I didn't really want to share it with you, but I unfortunately had to, mainly because most of patients with prolactinoma are women aged from 20 to 50, which makes me a showcase example. Recently, my life wasn't very exiting, except I finished school, moved out and started my "job" (I'll explain you that later, not now, please, not now) and of course I began to blog here. I spent 22 out of my 23 years in Warsaw. So I am "Warsaw based blogger" (it just makes me laugh). But seriously, I survived only one year out of my city, which was in 2013 when I had my exchange year (again, it's a long story).
If you have any questions to me, e-mail me: (not prolactinoma, I'm Warsaw-based, remember?).
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