Opuść swoją strefę komfortu. To pomaga./ Leave your comfort zone. It helps.
Założyłam ten blog pod koniec stycznia, bo było to jedno z moich noworocznych postanowień ( zbliża się Wielkanoc, a strona nadal istnieje, więc chyba mogę być z siebie dumna). Bardzo szybko zdecydowałam się na kolejny, odważny krok i o blogu dowiedzieli się moi znajomi z Facebooka, z którymi prawdę mówiąc nie miałam kontaktu już od bardzo dawna. Chciałam odzyskać swoje dawne znajomości, te które niemal zniszczyłam z powodu głupiego guza przysadki. W końcu postanowiłam znaleźć odpowiednie słowa i powiedzieć im prawdę. W tym momencie opuściłam swoją strefę komfortu, ponieważ przerażało mnie, że mam mówić o swojej chorobie aż tylu osobom na raz. Nie było to proste, ale dostałam od nich mnóstwo wsparcia i nie żałuję, chociaż pewnie nigdy nic nie będzie takie samo - bo teraz mam prolaktynomę i wszyscy o tym wiedzą.
Today I got to thinking, you know, that I had this blog for two months and I never posted anything on weekend. Now it's weekend - so let's make it happen.
I started the blog in late January, as one of my to-do things ( now we have Easter and my page still exists which makes me feel proud of myself). Soon after I made a huge decision to tell my Facebook friends about blog, which was hard also beacuse I haven't really talk to them for some long time. I needed to find my voice and tell them the truth . I really wanted my social life back, the one that I almost killed for some stupid reasons like having a benign tumor . At this point, I literally moved out of my comfort zone, because sharing my sickness with so many people wasn't the easiest thing for me to do. Anyway, I got so much support from my friends and right now I totally don't regret what I did. Besides nothing is gonna be the same, because now I have prolactinoma and everyone knows that.
Today I got to thinking, you know, that I had this blog for two months and I never posted anything on weekend. Now it's weekend - so let's make it happen.
I started the blog in late January, as one of my to-do things ( now we have Easter and my page still exists which makes me feel proud of myself). Soon after I made a huge decision to tell my Facebook friends about blog, which was hard also beacuse I haven't really talk to them for some long time. I needed to find my voice and tell them the truth . I really wanted my social life back, the one that I almost killed for some stupid reasons like having a benign tumor . At this point, I literally moved out of my comfort zone, because sharing my sickness with so many people wasn't the easiest thing for me to do. Anyway, I got so much support from my friends and right now I totally don't regret what I did. Besides nothing is gonna be the same, because now I have prolactinoma and everyone knows that.
Myślicie, że łatwo było założyć fanpage na Facebooku, który ma moją twarz za zdjęcie profilowe i mówić wszystkim, że mam guza przysadki mózgowej? Niezupełnie. Prawdę mówiąc od początku mnie to przerażało, bo wszystko może się od tego na zawsze zmienić . Potem wpadłam na to, żeby zaprosić wszystkich znajomych w liczbie czterystu paru do polubienia mojej strony, co wiązało się z pobraniem specjalnej wtyczki, ale prawdziwy zastrzyk adrenaliny miałam dopiero siedząc przed otwartym oknem i zastanawiając się,czy kliknąć "Zaproś wszystkich znajomych"? Zaproś wszystkich. Zaproś ludzi, których nie lubisz, zaproś tych których lubisz, ale znają tych, których też nie lubisz. Dosłownie powiedz wszystkim, że chorujesz i na co, niech wiedzą wszystko, co tylko chcą. No to trudno. Nic mnie nie obchodzi, co ludzie sobie o mnie pomyślą. Więc to zrobiłam i nie żałuję. Niezależnie od tego, co się stanie, będę pisać dalej. Może komuś to pomoże? Nie przeszkadza mi to, że jestem poza swoją strefą komfortu. Wy też możecie zrobić to samo, co ja. Naprawdę warto. Może niekoniecznie trzeba siadać do pisania o własnej chorobie, ale myślę, że każdy powód jest dobry, żeby zmienić coś w swoim życiu. Znajdź swój powód i zrób to, co zechcesz. Możesz to zrobić, tak długo, jak wierzysz, że się uda. Ja w Was wierzę, bo uwierzyłam w coś, co kiedyś wydawało mi się niemożliwe, a teraz robię to każdego dnia. Naprawdę, możesz zacząć, i to w każdej chwili, każdy moment jest dobry.
Do you think it's easy to start a fanpage about your pituitary tumor with your face as profile pic? Not exactly. Honestly, in the beginning it really made me feel uncomfortable, because I knew it can change everything forever. Then the idea of inviting all my friends (about four hundred people) to like my page came to my mind. First I needed to install some pluggin, but I had a real adrenaline rush, when I saw "Invite all" button. Go ahead. Invite all. Invite people that you don't like and also those that you like, but they know someone you don't. Tell everyone that you're ill and what kind of health issuses do you have, let them know every detail of your medical record. Nevermind.I don't care what will people think or say about me. So I stared a fanpage which I don't regret. And no matter what will happen, I'll keep writing. Maybe one day the blog will help someone? I don't mind living out of my comfort zone. You can do the same with your life. I'm not saying that you should start blogging about your disease like me, but every reason can be your reason to change things in you and around you. Find your reason and go ahead, do whatever you like. You can do it, as long as you believe it's worth doing. I believe in you, cause I once believed in the impossible and now I do it every day. You can start whenever you want and every moment is right to choose.
Miłej niedzieli!/ Happy Easter!
Do you think it's easy to start a fanpage about your pituitary tumor with your face as profile pic? Not exactly. Honestly, in the beginning it really made me feel uncomfortable, because I knew it can change everything forever. Then the idea of inviting all my friends (about four hundred people) to like my page came to my mind. First I needed to install some pluggin, but I had a real adrenaline rush, when I saw "Invite all" button. Go ahead. Invite all. Invite people that you don't like and also those that you like, but they know someone you don't. Tell everyone that you're ill and what kind of health issuses do you have, let them know every detail of your medical record. Nevermind.I don't care what will people think or say about me. So I stared a fanpage which I don't regret. And no matter what will happen, I'll keep writing. Maybe one day the blog will help someone? I don't mind living out of my comfort zone. You can do the same with your life. I'm not saying that you should start blogging about your disease like me, but every reason can be your reason to change things in you and around you. Find your reason and go ahead, do whatever you like. You can do it, as long as you believe it's worth doing. I believe in you, cause I once believed in the impossible and now I do it every day. You can start whenever you want and every moment is right to choose.
Miłej niedzieli!/ Happy Easter!
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